Schedule F within the federal government has been a topic of debate since the Trump administration. There have been efforts to use it to abolish protections for civil servants and allow for political appointees to be placed in areas where they have an impact on essential services and government accountability.

Former President Trump’s order created a new job classification within the government’s civil service to allow certain employees to be fired without cause and replaced with political appointees. When President Biden took office, he restored the protections that have always existed to prevent abuse and fraud, ensuring that government employees are able to perform their duties free from partisan and political interference.
As the next election nears, Republicans plan to revisit Schedule F. Looking forward, the American Heritage Foundation and other conservative groups have started “Project 2025” in hopes of a Republican takeover of the White House and Congress. These groups are working to recruit over 20,000 conservative political operatives whom they will attempt to place in key positions within the federal government.
While proponents of Schedule F claim their intent is to streamline operations and improve efficiency, its implementation and potential consequences have raised valid concerns.
Schedule F undermines the merit-based civil service system. The civil service has traditionally provided job protections and safeguards against political favoritism, ensuring that federal employees are selected based on their qualifications and abilities, rather than their political affiliations.
It opens the door for political patronage and potential abuse of power. Valid concerns have been raised that positions could be filled with individuals based on political affiliation rather than competence, undermining the principle of a non-partisan, professional bureaucracy and weakening the integrity and impartiality of the federal workforce.
It increases politicization of the federal government. The reclassification of positions into Schedule F subjects federal employees to political pressures, creating an environment where loyalty to a particular administration takes precedence over objective decision-making and expertise.
It results in the loss of institutional knowledge and expertise within the federal government. Experienced and qualified professionals may be at risk of being replaced with politically motivated appointees lacking the necessary knowledge and skills. This turnover of personnel can disrupt continuity and hinder the effective implementation of policies and programs.
The Center for a New American Security has written extensively on this issue and called efforts to revive Schedule F an “unwelcome resurgence,” stating:
“The U.S. government is able to take on high-risk, high-cost ventures—nuclear security, pandemic response, environmental clean-up, food safety, and more—because civil servants are hired based on qualifications, not party affiliation.”
Ultimately, Schedule F lacks the sufficient safeguards and accountability measures necessary to protect us from political influence. Bypassing the merit based system will further erode transparency, reduce checks and balances, and hinder effective oversight of the federal workforce.